Third Annual Chinese Calligraphy Competition|BCIS校园里的书法大会

来源:北京乐成国际学校 时间:04-24



On February 1, BCIS held its third annual, student-led Chinese Calligraphy competition in the gym. After a short opening ceremony that included speeches by Pamela Smith, CAS Coordinator, as well as the three main student coordinators Yichu, Annie, and Ray, the students and staff members set off around the numerous tables to create their masterpieces and submit them after completion. Participants were allowed to write whatever they desired on their canvases. Many of the teachers and staff members took great liberties in this regard and came up with interesting ideas to put down on paper, including Mr. David Nguyen, DP Coordinator, who proudly wrote in Chinese, “I Love Kebab.”

For many curious teachers, the event marked the first time they tried their hand in Calligraphy. Even those that might have been too shy to attempt traditional Chinese style writing took the opportunity to show their potential and creativity in the newly added category of Western Style Calligraphy this year. In regards to student works, many took a more artistic approach, drawing pictures of cartoonish faces and other fun subjects that attracted people’s attention. Other young creatives wrote poetry or their names in other languages. Walking around the sprawling gym buzzing with much activity, it was a sight to behold to see the enthusiasm foreigners possessed about such a traditional art form, truly creating a bridge between China and the world, while celebrating the most important holiday in our host country.


Previously speaking with Ms. Fiona Chen, she shared that Chinese Calligraphy is not simply a form of writing, but in actuality it is a method in which people can utilize to attain relaxation, peace, and tranquility. She personally attested to this, mentioning she writes Calligraphy to wind down after a long day.

With another successful Chinese Calligraphy competition completed, the students that worked so hard on making this event happen can now take a well-deserved rest (to read what went on behind the scenes from one of the main student organizers, please read further below). Please stay tuned for the final results, as well as keep your eyes peeled to see the winning entries, which will be displayed in the Secondary School.



北京乐成国际学校(BCIS)始终让教育与课程植根于中国文化,期望将中国与世界无缝连接,并将二者的经典与精髓完美融合。基于此美好的愿景,BCIS中学部自三年前,便由学生社团组织发起,全程策划,组织并举办了BCIS中国书法大赛。2018年2月1日,第三届中学部书法比赛在BCIS主校园体育馆盛大地拉开帷幕。数百名中学师生汇聚在一排排摆好笔墨纸砚的书案前,挥毫泼墨,展现出各自对于中国传统艺术的一种尊重,崇敬,以及崭新的诠释。本年度的竞赛,如往年一样,不设任何固定主题。参赛者们或是可以围绕学校箴言“文,行,忠,信”,展开思路;或是以“春”字为题,放飞自我,充分发挥想象力,大胆创作。为了让今年的赛事更加丰富多元,本届大赛的组委会 – 书法社的同学们还首次将外文书法竞赛单元并入其中。如此一来,参赛的“外援们”便能有的放矢地在舞台上一展身手,大秀才华了。除了中国书法与外文书法外两个单元外,图形创意与文体创作两个竞赛项目,亦是那些青年“文人骚客”与“视觉艺术达人”自由表现的平台。



若您对中学部书法大赛颇感兴趣,您可阅读下方由本届书法大赛组委会成员Annie Zhuang撰写的文章,了解更多大赛策划与组织的幕后故事。

