
来源:上海高藤致远创新学校 时间:05-06


On March 12, our students had a moment of science by visiting Shanghai Science and Techonology Museum. The field trip was short, but the feelings and experience were real. Let's hear what the teachers and the students say!




"The time was too short. We didn’t see all of it."

(G9 Jessie)


"The animals and plants in the science museum are very interesting.I hope they can increase more species in the next time. "

(Jin, Math teacher)


"The robot session was more interesting than I thought.Such a pity that I didn't get the chance to battle with the robots on chess!The queue was too long. Maybe next time. "

(Shirley, Math teacher)

"模式识别还不错,但是设备有点旧, 不够灵敏。期待以后能改善。"

"Pattern recognition was amazing but the instruments seem like old fashion and not sensitive enough. Hopefully they can be improved later. "

(Claude, Mechanics teacher)


"I saw students competing with the robots, shooting arrows and playing magic cubes.I could feel their energy. "

(Felix, Chemistry teacher)

伽利略说:“在科学上,一千个人具有权威性的观点也不如一个人理性的灵光一闪。” 希望我们的学生未来都能有属于自己的灵光一闪!

Galileo Galilei said, "In science the authority of thousands of opinions are not worth as much as one tiny spark of reason in an individual man." Hope our students will have their own sparks of science one day.

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