
来源:上海高藤致远创新学校 时间:05-09


SHTCS has been implementing Leader In Me program. Ever since the 7 habits training session from the beginning of this semester, we are practicing the habits in daily work.




Being Proactive Is the Start of Success

本学期以来,高藤的一个新变化就是增加了每周一早上的晨会活动。上周的晨会由高藤12年级许皓然和程瑞两位同学主持,全体师生参加,进行了升旗仪式和国际旗下讲话的活动。 两位毕业班的同学,结合自己的学习经验,分享了他们对于如何变得积极主动的看法:

One of the changes this semester is the School Meeting every Monday Morning. This week, Kevin and William from G12 hosted the whole event. In addition to the National Flag Raising Ceremony, they also shared their opinion about how to be proactive.

“首先,我们要学会建立起自信心, 不要怕犯错。承认自己的不足是需要很大的勇气的,只有勇于承认自己的不足,才能最快的得以纠正,才会更快的进步。不要害怕会犯错误,求学并不难为情,反之,当我看到有人在不停的问老师问题,我会从内心尊重他。没有人会真正嘲笑努力的人。”

First of all, we should learn to build up self-confidence and not be afraid of making mistakes. I believe that it takes great courage to admit that there are things we don’t know, but don't be afraid of asking questions just because you think you’ll be blamed for not knowing. Only by speaking out the knowledge you don’t understand you will get most effective help from others; Only by having the courage to admit your own weaknesses can you overcome them. Don't be afraid of making mistakes, and don't be ashamed to learn. On the contrary, when I see someone constantly asking questions, I show great respect to him. No one will ever really laugh at people who study really hard.


Secondly, we should change our perspectives towards learning and learn to regard study as a kind of happiness. Getting into college can be a task, because college can provide more choices for our future career, and learning is not only for future jobs. Learning is about how we see the world, how we interact and communicate with others, and how we see ourselves. Albert Einstein once said: “never regard study as a duty, but as the enviable opportunity to learn to know the liberating influence of beauty in the realm of the spirit for your own personal joy and to the profit of the community to which your later work belongs.”

By realizing this, we are life-long learners for nothing else but our own happiness.


Training Session: Mindset of Communication


On Tuesday afternoon, Principal Li share her experience with homeroom teaches about the skills of communication, to help them understands better how to do home-school communications.


Staff Meeting: Less Is More


At the Staff Meeting on Friday, Principal Li summarized the work of the week, and at the same time clarified the main focus of the next week: continue to be proactive, encourage and guide students, try to see students’ progress, and praise them in time ; When encountering problems, analyze them and try to come up with solutions. By working hard together, we will create a positive school culture here on this beautiful campus.

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