听,生命拔节的声音——华美外国语学校大鹏青少年活动基地社会实践纪实 | Listen to the rhythm of life

来源:深圳华美国际学校 时间:04-24


Students from grade 6-9 of Huamei Foreign Language School held a four-day youth social practice activity from December 7 to 10.



It led students to learn to be grateful and responsible through extended training and teamwok; Through the practice, students experienced the joy of labor in the broad world and the happiness of creating an enjoyable life with their hands.



The team work brings force together


The charm of education comes from lighting up, lighting up the beautiful ideal, lighting up the expectation in the heart, lighting up the firm faith, lighting up the passion of life.The establishment of a team, team name, team slogan, team badge were created by the members with collective brainpower and creative ideas.




In a short period of two days, the students set the soldiers as their examples, giving themselves strict requirements and training, not afraid of the hot sunshine, not afraid of the heavy wind and rain. Under the patient guidance of the drill instructor, they take part in each group activity in an organized order.


Second,Learn to be grateful and responsible


In order to make the children understand what leadership and responsibility are, on the third day of the military training, we held a large-scale emotional education program "Leadership and Responsibility".


To be a leader means to take responsibility and to give.


Life is not a safe sailing. When you think it is easy, there must be someone to take your burden. They can be your parents, teachers or friends.


Teach children to respect their elders, be grateful to their parents, teachers and relatives, and have the courage to take responsibility for their mistakes.


Looking at the tears in the children's eyes, looking at the raised hands of children who wants to share the punishment of the leaders, and leaders’ pressing down their little hands with no regret;Hearing the children’s confession to their teachers, I seem to hear the rhythm of life, and I know the children have grown up!


Learn to be happy through daily labor


The charm of education comes from experience, to experience the close contact between life and life, to experience the interaction of heart and soul, to experience the instant collision between thinking and thinking, and to experience the positive power of prosperity and adversity.


On the fourth day of social practice, the students came to Dapeng Beautiful Village.



Fourth, Listen to the rhythm of the life

成长的故事,如一缕缕和煦的春风 ,像一幅幅缤纷的图画 ,似一个个欢快跳跃的音符 ,有无礼不立的规矩方圆,有灯火阑珊的欢欣喜悦,有柳暗花明的意外收获,有感恩于心的和谐共鸣!立德树人,五育并举!以生为本,生态化育。生命因体验而精彩,人生因感悟而成诗。

Life is brilliant because of experience.The realization of that makes our life a poem.


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